Brown bear
The Eurasian brown bear (Ursus arctos arctos) is the largest of the carnivores in the Carpathian Mountains. It has brown fur, which can range from yellow-brownish to dark brown, red brown and almost black. In some cases, albinism has also been recorded. The fur is dense to varying degrees and the hair can grow up to 10cm in length. The shape of the head is normally quite round with relatively small and round ears, a wide skull and a mouth equipped with 42 teeth, including predatory teeth. It has a powerful bone structure, large paws, equipped with big claws, which can grow up to 10cm in length. The weight varies depending on habitat and time of the year. A full grown male weighs on average no more than 250–300kg (550–660lb). Females typically range between 150–250kg (330–550lb). The largest Eurasian brown bear recorded was 481kg (1,058lb) and was nearly 2.5m (8.2ft) long.